Wednesday 28 January 2015


3 Small Things that can Improve Your Love Life


A study by University of Virginia psychologist, Dr. James Coan shows that holding hands with your spouses or strangers has a soothing effect in our brains. It greatly reduces the stress, fear, uncertainly, alarm, pain and other negative emotions.

Dr. James Coan, one of the researchers, said,

"We found that holding the hand of really anyone, it made your brain work a little less hard in coping."

However, studies shows that the relief is very apparent when the subject hold their spouse's hand compared to strangers'.

So, if your spouse's hand can provide immediate relief for you, it can certainly provide the same to your spouse.

So do hold your spouse hands frequently.

It boosts up the emotional connection between you and your loved ones.

And never reject physical touch from your spouse. The studies also shows that While holding your spouse's hand provides immediate relief from emotional pain, rejection of the same would cause the same shock as the ankle shock to human brain. This also explains that withdrawal of touches or physical affection can be so affecting.

“Nothing in this world compares to the comfort and security of having someone just hold your hand.” - Richelle E. Goodrich

Exchange looks

Look at each other when you communicate. In every single communication. Verbal or body language. 

A case study conducted in 1989 by psychologist conforms that an eye contact can make some one falls in love.  lock an eye contact with a stranger for two to three minutes and affections is already developed between the two.

After all, "the eye is the mirror or the soul".
Reach your lover's soul with your love.

One useful tip, look at your loved one's eyes as much as you can when your mood is good. Especially when you're extremely happy and content. That would boost up your love life in record time.

But, avoid eye contact as possible when you're angry or frustrated. Because it'll go straight to his heart. and most of the time, stays there forever.

So remember, look at your spouse's or lover's eyes as you communicate.
 Get your love and affection tattooed in his soul.

"Making eye contact is a key gateway for love" - Barbara Fredrickson

Shoower Together

Shower is an extremely private act. It's the space where a person enjoys his utmost privacy.

Shower together breaks the highest barries between your loved one and yourself. 

You'll get closer in every aspect when showering together, sharing that personal space with him or her.

you'll notice a huge difference in your love life afterwards.

you'll become emottionally warmer, softer and more affectionate towards each other.

So go and plan a shower together. Prepare the bathroom to be a romantic space. be affectionate and playful. take advantage of the proximity. Do some dirty things if you want. Have fun together. You'll see that it's a powerful medicine to stress and an extremely power love booster.

N. N. Ibrati.

3 tips to improve your love life, 3 simple yet powerful tips to improve your love life, how to improve love life, how to improve your love life, how to enhance your love life, how to boost up your love life, 3 simple gestures to strengthen your love life, how to straighten your marriage, how to boost love in your marriage, how to create sparks in your marriage, marriage and relationship issues, marriage and relationship problems, marriage and relationship solutions, shower together, the benefits of showering together, holding your lover's hand, hand holding, hand-holding, handholding, eye contact, the power of eye contact, love and eye contact

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